Strategy Formulation

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The Right Strategy– Key To Achieving Growth

Case Study The Right Strategy– Key To Achieving Growth Successfully assimilating an acquired business and realizing the full potential identified during the evaluation process is a daunting task. Getting the strategy right and backing that up with an effective plan to cascade it through the business are basic ingredients for success. Problem Definition Solution Description […]
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From Zero To AED 420Mn In Five Years

Case Study From Zero To AED 420Mn In Five Years All businesses have ambitions for growth, though not all are successful. A significant contributor to success is an effective strategy and business plan. Get these right, and the fledgling business is well on its way to success. Problem Definition Solution Description Results Our Client was […]
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Building Teams That Keep Cities Clean

Case Study Building Teams That Keep Cities Clean Businesses looking to go from good to great realise that key to achieving this ambition is an effective and efficient Human Capital process. When designed and created specifically for a business and the situation, this can truly catapult the business transformation agenda. Problem Definition Solution Description Results […]
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Creating a Winning Strategy for Business Transformation

Case Study Creating a Winning Strategy for Business Transformation Ambitious goals require a bold strategy, preferably one that is clearly defined, jointly developed, aligned, and has defined milestones and measures of success. Cascading the strategy effectively through the business units and support functions is critical. Problem Definition Solution Description Results Often the trigger for a […]
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