Business Transformation – Emerging Corporate Client in the Manufacturing Sector
Even for a successful business, the things that worked in the past may not be the solutions for tomorrow’s problems. As businesses grow and evolve, they need to be open to reinventing themselves, taking an honest look inwards and then changing what needs to be changed. Given the emotions involved with having to give up old tried and tested ways and moving on to new ones, having an independent partner like Daksada to support you through this process can make a significant difference to the outcome.
Our Client, an ISO certified manufacturer, has grown in leaps and bounds over the last decade as a key partner to the booming construction industry in the UAE. In the last few years, the rate of growth plateaued despite steady growth in the construction sector. Our mandate was to unlock the untapped 3X to 5X growth potential and drive the business expansion agenda while supporting other critical functions including Sales, HR, Operations, Procurement, Supply Chain, Logistics, and Finance.
We engaged with the business through a series of interventions designed to collect information and understand the business and the ‘as-is’ processes in the business. Based on an assessment of the areas of focus, the long-term strategy for the business was developed in partnership with the key stakeholders in the management team. This was followed by a detailed business planning process to set objectives and drive agreement on the measurable KPIs that were to be monitored through the business transformation process. Our team also completed the HR Department set up, including the preparation of a complete and comprehensive HR Policy & Process manual and roll the same out by way of a series of meetings that cascaded the information through the organization. In the area of Sales Capability Development, we team worked with the Sales function and delivered a series of customised learning interventions designed to improve critical competencies within the team. Further, to support efforts to drive business improvements, a process for Business Performance Reporting & Management was set up, including formats, KPIs, SPOCs, and deadlines.
We drafted an Human Resources Policy Manual specific to the business and trained the HR team in leading the implementation across the business. We enabled the implementation by training the teams involved and facilitating the recruitment of personnel in the sales team to further develop the sales capability, and further strengthen the same through training and competence development interventions.
As a next step, we are currently working with the business to compete a Process Reengineering Project to review the process make-up of each function, complete a value stream mapping, identify areas for improvement, and design a future-ready process. To make the improvement process self-sustaining, we are training the teams on business process reengineering.
Our Client is on the way to realizing the business transformation goal of ambitious 3X to 5X growth with a clear business strategy and roadmap as guidance. The business operates through a well-defined performance score card specific to each function, with linkage to meeting the overall organizational strategy and objectives.
The business owner expressed the fact that he has greater visibility on the business performance through the tracking and reporting formats that are in the process of being mapped on to the business ERP to further automate the process of measurement and improvement.
- Emerging Corporates; Regional Businesses; Family Owned Groups
- Growth & Transformation, Strategy Formulation, Human Capital Solutions
- M K Moorthi, Leon Mendonsa, Hari Sutha Raj