Delivering Service Excellence Through A Value Based Intervention

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Case Study

Delivering Service Excellence Through A Value Based Intervention

For many companies, a Value statement is something that is posted prominently within the business premises. It is only when companies take steps to educate employees exactly what living the values means that the values come to life.

Problem Definition Solution Description Results

Our Client believed strongly in both internal and external customer service excellence. The business was keen on generating a significant increase in internal realisation of the importance of customer service such that all members of the team not just understood but also lived this core value each day. We were invited to design an initiative to support this goal as our client’s go-to Human Resources Consultant.

To champion the value of ‘Service’ through the team, we worked with the HR department and organized a series of workshops and working group forums. The format included a learning session on what ‘Service’ was all about, explained through a series of exercises, role plays, Case Study and discussions. Each group then spent time identifying exactly who their ‘customer’ was, and what service would look like for that customer. We then facilitated discussions around exactly what each group could do to provide an exemplary level of service, including action steps, who would do what and by when. To further enhance the collective learning, a process of sharing the best examples of customer service was initiated to draw learning from the actions and initiative taken by other team members. Throughout, focus was maintained on the process, not just one-off examples of customer service to ensure that this value was institutionalized.

Our client was delighted at the improvement in service excellence scores achieved. Both internal and external customer feedback and assessment showed a marked improvement in service levels. With the increased focus on what the customer wanted, several internal processes were redesigned to ensure that the customer’s needs were paramount. In addition, inter-department conflict and tensions reduced considerably, which in turn allowed the business to truly focus on delighting external customers.

  • Multinational Corporations; Regional Businesses; Family Owned Groups; Government & Quasi Government Organisations; Banking & Financial Services
  • Service Excellence, Human Capital Solutions
  • Leon Mendonsa
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