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How A Counter-Intuitive Job Swap Programme Encouraged Talent Management

Case Study How A Counter-Intuitive Job Swap Programme Encouraged Talent Management Today personal development is taking centre stage for a growing number of employees when it comes to assessing employers. Businesses that invest in developing talent and allowing employees to achieve potential will benefit significantly. Providing people with fresh challenges fosters healthy competition and contributes […]
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Retaining Employees Through Compensation Benchmarking

Case Study Retaining Employees Through Compensation Benchmarking Compensation levels can often be a cause of employee turnover. Designing and implementing an effective total remuneration policy that is clearly communicated helps arrest the flight of this all important resource. The good news is that the benefits spread to business results because this also helps with customer […]
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Reducing Inventory Levels by 40%

Case Study Reducing Inventory Levels by 40% Businesses understand the importance of capital, and are driven to ensure that this important resource is optimised. Managing inventory effectively can be key to unlock a significant amount of cash that can then be deployed in more productive ways. Problem Definition Solution Description Results The jewellery business, like […]
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Role Specific Training Programs

Case Study Role Specific Training Programs Mergers bring together the best of two strong industry players. However, teams from each entity now working under the same combined brand continue to follow their legacy processes, which creates a challenge for providing consistent client experience. Read on to discover how we worked with this client to address […]
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