Service Excellence

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Building Capability For Mass Customisation

Case Study Building Capability For Mass Customisation Most businesses put customers first, most certainly in the retail space. Practically, setting up a process that allows the business to offer bespoke and customised products to each customer is a challenge. Read on to discover how we worked with this jewellery brand to overcome these challenges and […]
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Delivering Service Excellence Through A Value Based Intervention

Case Study Delivering Service Excellence Through A Value Based Intervention For many companies, a Value statement is something that is posted prominently within the business premises. It is only when companies take steps to educate employees exactly what living the values means that the values come to life. Problem Definition Solution Description Results Our Client […]
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Reducing Inventory Levels by 40%

Case Study Reducing Inventory Levels by 40% Businesses understand the importance of capital, and are driven to ensure that this important resource is optimised. Managing inventory effectively can be key to unlock a significant amount of cash that can then be deployed in more productive ways. Problem Definition Solution Description Results The jewellery business, like […]
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UAE Market For A Leading Indian Jewellery Brand

Case Study UAE Market For A Leading Indian Jewellery Brand Expanding a successful business into a new country or territory can be a challenge. Understanding the business climate, legal requirements, market dynamics, customer preferences and talent landscape are all part of the challenge. Read on to see how we partnered with this large high end […]
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Driving Excellence In Retail Sales

Case Study Driving Excellence In Retail Sales Employee attitude is a critical priority in maintaining client engagement and service levels. Particularly when the business is under pressure, employees are not immune to transferring their feelings of anxiety and fear into the client interface, even if only at a subconscious level. Our work with our client […]
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Role Specific Training Programs

Case Study Role Specific Training Programs Mergers bring together the best of two strong industry players. However, teams from each entity now working under the same combined brand continue to follow their legacy processes, which creates a challenge for providing consistent client experience. Read on to discover how we worked with this client to address […]
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