Human Capital Management

Configuring Excellence in Sales

Case Study Configuring Excellence in Sales For a sales led organisation, keen to diversify into new customer segments, it is imperative to understand the go to market strategy, define a sales process, identify the key competencies required to deliver results, train the team and monitor progress. Problem Definition Solution Description Results The Sales function is […]
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Opening The UAE Market For A Leading Indian Jewellery Brand

Case Study Opening The UAE Market For A Leading Indian Jewellery Brand Expanding a successful business into a new country or territory can be a challenge. Understanding the business climate, legal requirements, market dynamics, customer preferences and talent landscape are all part of the challenge. Read on to see how we partnered with this large […]
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The Right Strategy– Key To Achieving Growth

Case Study The Right Strategy– Key To Achieving Growth Successfully assimilating an acquired business and realizing the full potential identified during the evaluation process is a daunting task. Getting the strategy right and backing that up with an effective plan to cascade it through the business are basic ingredients for success. Problem Definition Solution Description […]
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Delivering Service Excellence Through A Value Based Intervention

Case Study Delivering Service Excellence Through A Value Based Intervention For many companies, a Value statement is something that is posted prominently within the business premises. It is only when companies take steps to educate employees exactly what living the values means that the values come to life. Problem Definition Solution Description Results Our Client […]
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How A Counter-Intuitive Job Swap Programme Encouraged Talent Management

Case Study How A Counter-Intuitive Job Swap Programme Encouraged Talent Management Today personal development is taking centre stage for a growing number of employees when it comes to assessing employers. Businesses that invest in developing talent and allowing employees to achieve potential will benefit significantly. Providing people with fresh challenges fosters healthy competition and contributes […]
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Retaining Employees Through Compensation Benchmarking

Case Study Retaining Employees Through Compensation Benchmarking Compensation levels can often be a cause of employee turnover. Designing and implementing an effective total remuneration policy that is clearly communicated helps arrest the flight of this all important resource. The good news is that the benefits spread to business results because this also helps with customer […]
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Reducing Inventory Levels by 40%

Case Study Reducing Inventory Levels by 40% Businesses understand the importance of capital, and are driven to ensure that this important resource is optimised. Managing inventory effectively can be key to unlock a significant amount of cash that can then be deployed in more productive ways. Problem Definition Solution Description Results The jewellery business, like […]
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From Zero To AED 420Mn In Five Years

Case Study From Zero To AED 420Mn In Five Years All businesses have ambitions for growth, though not all are successful. A significant contributor to success is an effective strategy and business plan. Get these right, and the fledgling business is well on its way to success. Problem Definition Solution Description Results Our Client was […]
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